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  • Fettuccine in Creamy Mushroom sauce

  • Serve4 calories per portion 964

  • Ingredients

  • 1lb/450g. fettuccine
    4oz./100g butter or margarine
    6oz./175g. button mushrooms, wiped and finely sliced
    4 slices smocked ham cut into thin strips
    1 tsp. freshly grated nutmeg
    salt and ground black pepper
    ½ pt./300ml. double cream
    4oz./100 freshly grated parmesan cheese

  • Method

  • Cook pasta in salted boiling water for 8-10mins.
    meanwhile melt the butter in a small saucepan, add the muahrooms then fry for 3-4 mins.
    add the ham and nutmeg then season , stir in the cream simmer for 3-4 mins.
    drain the pasta and stir in the sauce and parmesan cheese mixing well, transfer to a warm dish and serve

